Professional Services

Custom technical services and training

Is your DNS implementation consistent with best practices?

Find out with a DNS audit from ISC.
  1. Have you recently inherited the system you have today?
  2. Are you considering transitioning to a cloud provider?
  3. Are you concerned that attacks on your DNS could make your sites unreachable?

It is not unusual to neglect the DNS until something goes wrong. If you haven’t done a review recently, a confidential independent audit could uncover gaps that have gone unnoticed.

We offer two review options for our support subscribers:
  1. The Configuration Review is a meeting, at your location or via web conference, to review your current running system and DNS configuration and discuss options with other relevant network teams in your organization.

A Configuration Review can help you coordinate appropriate support across your organization, including:

  • Monitoring/Logging
  • Technology Planners
  • IS Strategy/Architects
  • Network Operations
  • Network Support/Engineering
  • Provisioning/Automation
  • Security
  • Project Management

For more background on what might happen during a configuration review, watch the video on YouTube, BIND Best Practices from Day One.

  1. The Configuration Audit is a review of selected configuration files, performed by our technical support team.

We start with an exchange with the administrator, to see if there are particular areas of concern, and then agree on what files or documents will be shared and reviewed.

The Configuration Audit is available to support subscribers at no charge, upon request.

Service Configuration Review Configuration Audit
Format Meeting Document review
Location On-site, your premises Remote, our premises
Report Written report, with video conference to review and discuss findings Written report, delivered via support ticket or email
Time commitment 8 hours on-site or via web, plus analysis and report writing, plus one readout meeting 4 hours of engineer review time

Following either assessment (the Review or the Audit), we will provide you with a written report, to include:

  • Executive summary, including our overall assessment of the current health of the system
  • Observations (positive results)
  • Recommendations (opportunities for improvement)
  • Further considerations (suggestions for planning, potential longer-term actions)
  • List of the records and data reviewed