The recently released
package is a
framework for NodeJS for implementing
RADIUS servers and for adding
RADIUS client support to NodeJS applications. It can be installed
using the npm
package manager.
It is not a full-blown RADIUS server with lots of bells and whistles.
The design philosophy is that anything beyond the most basic
AAA system is
difficult to describe using static configuration files, so users of the
framework instead supply business logic in the form of code.
The business logic functions looks at the attributes of incoming RADIUS
requests, e.g. to authenticate users, or to save accounting records, and
then populates the RADIUS response accordingly, while the framework
itself takes care of the protocol implementation.
Business Logic Examples
Here’s an example of a trivial authentication handler that only
allows a single hard-coded username/password pair to log in:
function my_login(req, res) {
if (req.get('User-Name') == 'myuser' &&
req.get('User-Password') == 'mypass')
res.code = 'Access-Accept';
A similar function that instead looks up the username and password pair
in a database might only take a dozen or so lines of code.
Multiple handler functions can be registered, and incoming packets are
passed to each handler in turn. A handler can exit the chain and
generate a RADIUS response immediately by returning a true
Here’s a function that adds default IP assignments if they haven’t been
added by an earlier handler:
function ip_defaults(req, res) {
if (res.code.toString() === 'Access-Accept') {
if (!res.has('Framed-IP-Address')) {
res.add('Framed-IP-Address', '');
if (!res.has('Framed-IP-Netmask')) {
res.add('Framed-IP-Netmask', '');
where is the address used to tell most Network Access
Servers to give out a dynamic address from their pool instead of a
static IP address.
The package includes a test server (test-server.js
) that includes both
of the above functions, as well as test clients that exercise the
framework’s RADIUS client code by initiating RADIUS authentication and
accounting requests and act on the responses.
Project Status
Please note - this is an early-beta R&D release that we’re releasing as
Open Source to the wider community pursuant to our public benefit remit.
The software is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0.
It has not been deployed in production, but it has been tested for
interoperability by testing with the radclient package included with
If you have an interest in RADIUS, please do give it a try. While this
is not an “official” ISC supported project, we welcome contributions and
reports of any issues at the project’s ISC
Gitlab page.