Meet an ISC Engineer – Ben Scott!
We’re back with another look at one of ISC’s staff members: Ben Scott!
Read postAs a service for our users and customers, several months ago ISC began offering packaged binary versions of our BIND 9 and Kea DHCP software, via Cloudsmith. We encourage anyone looking for binaries of our software to visit this repository. (Of course, the full source code tarballs are still provided for every release, on our Downloads page.)
The repository for ISC’s open source packages is provided by Cloudsmith at no charge as a free community service for non-profit open source projects.
We want to make sure that our users and customers have access to binaries, for two reasons:
For more information about our BIND 9 packages, please read this article in our KB: ISC Packages for BIND 9.
For more information about our Kea DHCP packages, please read this article in our KB: ISC Packages for Kea DHCP.
Some of the software in our repositories is private and only available with a paid ISC support subscription. For more information on how to get access to those additional features, please contact our sales team. Thank you!
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